ETP Data Files

Overview of ETP data files

There are eight foundational data files fetched for researchres who deployed studies in the E-TRIALS Platform (ETP). The data encompass students’ prior learning with ASSISTments, students’ learning performance (correctness and scores) and requests for hints or explanations in the experiment, log data on students’ actions, students’ post learning data on the same skill covered in the experiment, as well as class-level student learning data and school-level demographics including school area (rural, urban, suburban), school types (public or other), title 1 status, race and ethnicity, and free and reduced lunch percentages. Click on each one below to get an overview.

1. Action Logs

This file is for students actions while taking the assignment. For example, data on when they clicked next question, entered an answer, asked for a hint, etc. There is one action per row. So if a student did 5 problems and took 25 actions across those, this student would contribute 25 row of actions to the Action Logs.

2. Problem Logs

This file is about the problems that were completed, including time on task, student scores, and student support (e.g., hints, explanations) requested. There is one row per student per problem. So if a student did 5 problems and took 25 actions across those, this student would contribute 25 row of actions to the Action Logs but only 5 rows to the Problem Logs file.

3. Assignment Logs

This file provides data at the assignment level. It has one row per assignment per student. Data includes conditions students were randomly assigned to, total number of correct problems, total number of attempts, total number of student supprts (e.g., hints, explanations) requested.

4. Prior Logs

This file provides information on students' prior learning in the class that completed the experiment. It only has data on students' prior learing in the calss before the experiment. This prior logs include average problem score, average attempt count, prior problem sets started and completed, and these data for the class as well. This file also gives information on grade levels and curriculums the teachers were teaching and the number of free and reduced lunch of the schools. 

5. Same Skill Prior Logs

This file provides information on students' prior learning beofore the experiment. Data includes skill codes, time on task, and student scores on the same skills associated with the problem set used in the experiment. It has one row per problem per student. 

6. Same skill Post Logs

This file provides information on students' learning after the experiment. Data includes skill codes, time on task, and student scores on the same skills associated with the problem set used in the experiment. It has one row per problem per student. 

7. Assignment Setting

This file is about the settings of the assignment including whether teachers enabled timer, linear or random order or student choice for students to work on the problems, the use of color scheme or scores to show students their performance, and whether there was live tutoring. It has one row per assignment.

8. Redo Logs

This file provides average score of a problem when the problem has multiple parts, and average score of redo problem parts. Redo is a setting a teacher can put into an assignment that when a students doesn't enter the correct answer on the first attempt without requesting supports, the student will get a similar but not the same problem, which is called a redo problem. All redo problems have hints that students can request for.

Data Dictionary

This data dictionary helps you understand the data files. Please leave comments in the file if there's anything that's unclear.

Example Data

This is an example data for a study that has three conditions. 

Data Overview

This video provides an overview of the data.